In mathematics, Kronecker coefficients gλμν describe the decomposition of the tensor product (= Kronecker product) of two irreducible representations of a symmetric group into irreducible representations. More explicitly, given a partition λ of n, write Vλ for the Specht module associated to λ. Then the Kronecker coefficients gλμν are given by the rule
One can interpret this on the level of symmetric functions, giving a formula for the Kronecker product of two Schur polynomials:
This is to be compared with Littlewood–Richardson coefficients, where one instead considers the induced representation
and the corresponding operation of symmetric functions is the usual product. Also note that the Littlewood–Richardson coefficients are the analogue of the Kronecker coefficients for representations of GLn, i.e. if we write Wλ for the irreducible representation corresponding to λ (where λ has at most n parts), one gets that
Bürgisser & Ikenmeyer (2008) showed that Kronecker coefficients are hard to compute.